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3. Airfield Lighting Solutions

3.1 Approach Lighting

The approach lighting system includes approach lights, edge lights, sequenced flashing lights,precision approach path indicator, which are used to provide visual light guidance for the pilots orientationapproach slope when the aircraft lands at nightunder complex weather conditions.

3.2 Runway Lighting

The runway lighting system includes runway threshold identification light, runway threshold light, threshold wing bar, runway side light, runway centerline light, runway end light, ground strip light, fast exit taxiway indicator lightother lights, which are used to provide pilots with visual light guidance when the aircraft landstakes off at nightin complex weather conditions.

3.3 Taxiway Lighting

The taxiway lighting system includes taxiway edge lights, taxiway center line lights, intermediate holding position lights, stop bar lights, no-entry bar lights, runway guard lights,lights extending to the apron parking stand, which are used to provide pilots with visual lighting guidance.

8“ Inset Stop Bar
8“ Inset Taxiway Edge
8“ Runway Centre Line
8“ Touchdown Zone
8” Aircraft stand Manoeuvring Guidance

8” Inset Apron edge
8” Inset Runway End
8” Taxiway Centre Line
12“ Inset Approach Centre Line
12“ Inset Runway Edge with Circling Guidance (black cover)

12” Inset ThresholdEnd
Elevated Flasher
Elevated Runway Edge
Elevated Runway Guard
Elevated Taxiway Edge

ELU Elevated Approach Centre Line
Halogen PAPI
Inset Flasher